Online forum - Philips global recall

This online member forum is an opportunity to discuss how members are responding to the global recall of Philips PAP and ventilation devices.


It will be hosted by President, Alan Young, and will commence with a short briefing from Penny Stewart, General Manager ANZ, Sleep and Respiratory Care at Philips. 

We will then hear from several ASA members on how they are working through issues surrounding the Philips recall:

  • David Cunnington, ASA clinical chair, Melbourne Sleep Disorders Centre
  • Brett Duce, Sleep Disorders Centre, Princess Alexandra Hospital Brisbane
  • Mark Howard, Victorian Respiratory Support Service, Austin Health, Melbourne
  • Moya Vandeleur, Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne
  • Craig Hukins, Princess Alexandra Hospital Brisbane.

There will also be an opportunity to discuss approaches and ask questions among participants. 

This forum is free and only open to ASA, ANZSSA and TSANZ members. Registration is required. 

  • ASA members need to be logged in with their member details to register. 
  • ANZSSA and TSANZ members will need to create an account on this website before registering.

The meeting will be recorded and made available online to registrants afterwards. By registering to attend, you are giving your permission to be recorded.

Please note

  • You will need to finalise your registration through the shopping cart, even though you are registering for free.
  • Registration closes two hours before the forum starts and you will not be able to register after that.
  • We will email you the forum access details a few hours before the forum commences.

Enquiries about this forum should be directed to Asha Mohabir

Date:   Monday 28 June 2021

Time:   4:30pm – Queensland NSW ACT Tasmania and Victoria
m – WA
             4:00pm – SA and NT
             6:30pm – New Zealand

Our year's program of online member support meetings is sponsored by 


6/28/2021 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM
AUS Eastern Standard Time

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