Associate Membership

$305.00 (incl GST)

 Join now and your membership will be valid to 30 June 2025

 Associate Membership is open to any medical practitioner, psychologist, dentist, scientist, nurse, pharmacist or other suitably qualified person who meet any of the following criteria:

  • Less than two years since finalising their post-doctoral qualification 
  • Australian/New Zealand residents temporarily working overseas 
  • Has an interest in sleep medicine or sleep research but not working in this field 
  • Just starting their practice in the field of sleep 
  • RACP Advanced Trainee 
  • Does not otherwise qualify for Full Membership 

It is not intended that Associate membership should continue beyond three years, allowing for career interruption(s), and after that time Associate Members are encouraged to apply for Full Membership, either by being nominated and seconded by Full Members, or if this is not possible, then by submission of a CV which will be considered by two Board Members who may choose to nominate and second your application.

Associate Membership includes: 

  • Access to the Learning Centre for free or heavily discounted educational content on demand and in real time
  • Free webinars 
  • Discounted access to state meetings and other educational opportunities
  • Regular e-news
  • Free online journal access to :the Journal of Sleep Medicine, SLEEP and Sleep Advances
  • Reduced pricing for our annual conference, Sleep DownUnder
  • Eligibility to submit abstracts for Sleep DownUnder
  • Eligibility to apply for scholarships and awards
  • Ability to contribute through joining committees, subcommittees and working groups 
  • involvement in as many special interest Councils as you choose
  • Opportunity to provide input to our advocacy activities.

Associate members do not have association voting rights, are not eligible to be elected to the ASA Board and cannot promote themselves as a Member of the ASA on any personal or professional literature or products.