Nominations for Board director vacancies and new President Elect

12 August 2024

We’re pleased to announce that Associate Professor Jasneek Chawla will be appointed as the new President Elect for ASA at this year’s Annual General Meeting. Jasneek was the only nominee this year, so she has been elected unopposed.

This year, three director positions on the Australasian Sleep Association Board
become vacant at the Annual General Meeting. 

The positions currently held by Jasneek Chawla (Education Chair), David Cunnington (Clinical Chair), and Melinda Jackson (Finance Chair) will become vacant. David Cunnington and Melinda Jackson have informed the Board that they intend to nominate for another term as member-elected directors.

Each elected Board director holds a Committee Chair position which is decided by the Board. Each vacancy is for the Board rather than for a specific Committee Chair position. More information about committees. Once the three vacancies are filled, the Board will allocate committee portfolios among the directors. 

Board directors are expected to serve a minimum two-year term with an option to offer themselves for re-election to a maximum term of six years. It’s generally expected that Board candidates have completed at least 12 months as a volunteer on an ASA committee, sub-committee or working group before nominating themselves to join the Board.

Board directors must be able to commit to attend 75% of Board meetings held in each membership year (from 1 July to 30 June). There are approximately 6 meetings held annually. Any person who holds a position on the Board is required to complete a Declaration of Interests. These declarations will be circulated to all members of the Board, relevant committees and may be made available to ASA members on request.

In the event of more nominations being received than vacancies, an election will be held electronically according to the Electronic voting policy, and positions will be determined on the number of votes cast by members eligible to vote. 

Elected directors will take office from the Annual General Meeting to be held on Thursday 17 October 2024.

Only full and emeritus members are eligible to nominate to serve on the board, nominate or second a nomination.

Members interested in being nominated or nominating someone else should contact the CEO, Marcia Balzer ([email protected], 0430 175 310), for a nomination form and further information about the Board and being a director. 

Nominations will close at 5pm AEST on Friday 30 August 2024