Better sleep and wellbeing for essential health and aged care workers

08 February 2023

The ASA has joined forces once again with the Sleep Health Foundation to put forward a policy proposal for consideration during this year’s federal budget process.

“This year’s Pre-Budget submission highlights the need for action on the recommendations from the 2019 report from the Parliamentary Inquiry into Sleep Health Awareness in Australia,” said the ASA’s CEO, Marcia Balzer.

“We started discussing this policy proposal with politicians last year, and have answered some of their questions in our pre-Budget submission cover letter. The submission has been sent to a number of relevant ministers in the Albanese government as well to raise awareness about sleep health among key frontbenchers.”

The submission sets out a plan for pilot trials across hospital and aged care settings implementing evidence-based methods of improving the sleep health of 24-hour shift workers. This is particularly urgent to help prevent burnout in health care workforces that have suffered during the pandemic. 

“A key feature of the pilot trials will be developing an economic analysis that demonstrates the economic and wellbeing benefits of implementing the suite of reforms in hospital and aged care workplaces,” Marcia said.

Read the Pre-Budget submission

Read more about ASA advocacy