Australian Journal of General Practice focused issue on sleep!

Alex Sweetman
13 June 2024

The June issue of the Australian Journal of General Practice is focused on sleep!

This longitudinal series includes articles for general practice staff on sleep health and sleep disorder assessment and management throughout the lifespan. Each article includes evidence-based information and practical recommendations that are tailored for fast-paced general practice settings. These articles complement a series of sleep podcasts, webinars, workshops, articles, and online modules developed for primary care staff through the ASA Primary Care program.
This work would not be possible without a terrific community of experts. A huge thank you to all authors from the general practice and sleep medicine community for contributing to this collection of work, and members of the ASA Education Committee and Board for reviewing and approving all articles! 

The sleep articles in the June issue of the AJGP include;

Other recent AJGP sleep articles include;

Stay tuned for future articles and podcasts, and an interactive RACGP education module on preventive sleep health in general practice!