Poster Presentation Awards 2016

  1. Robert Sheehy - Medical Advanced Trainees
  2. Jessica Manousakis - Bi-Directional relationship between sleep and psychological health
  3. Lynn Hoey - Knowledge is power: Efficacy of assessments in sleep medicine
  4. Ahmad Bamagoos - Improving treatment for OSA
  5. Anna Kontos - Paediatric sleep disordered breathing: The Story continues
  6. Neralie Cain - Improving the lives of children and adolescents, one sleep problem at a time
  7. Angela D'Rozario - Comorbid sleep disordered breathing: Impact on body and brain
  8. Katie Burgess - What does that number tell us? A closer look at sleep measures
  9. Denise O'Driscoll (for Jonathan Pham) - Respiratory sleep disorders: Clinical considers
  10. Kirsty Dodds - Clocks, walks and counts: Sleep timing and Non-respiratory sleep disorders