Melatonin use in children : the good, the bad, and the ugly

Melatonin use has increased exponentially in the last few years both in neurodiverse children and typically developing children to assist with sleep difficulties. This is both through increased prescribing from medical primary and tertiary care professionals but also through online access for parents from overseas less regulated markets.


This session will provide evidence and guidance on the use of melatonin in children based on recent comprehensive review by melatonin task force of the International Pediatric Sleep Association with an upcoming position statement. In addition, preliminary findings by from an Australian study will be delivered.  Finally, case-based scenarios will be used to stimulate discussion about what families are reading on media coverage and professional organizations are advising.

Jasneek Chawla, Consultant Physician in Paediatric Respiratory & Sleep Medicine, Queensland Children's Hospital, Brisbane and Associate Professor Child Health Research Centre, The University of Queensland 

Professor Sarah Blunden – (MAPS, FCCLP, BA (Hons Psy), MSocSc, MClin Psych, PhD), researcher, Central Queensland University and Monash University and clinical psychologist, Paediatric Sleep and Psychology Clinic

What are the 2-3 key points that the audience will take away after attending this webinar?

  • Melatonin maybe a good sleep aid for children but TGA recommend melatonin use for children in very limited populations.       
  • Research on and evidence for Melatonin's use is lacking yet it is use is rising exponentially across Australia and internationally.
  • Medical and clinical professionals will discuss how we can together manage this epidemic of melatonin use in sleep disturbed children and find solutions including understanding referral pathways for behavioural sleep management techniques.

 Who would benefit from attending this webinar?
All allied heath (psychologists, occupational therapists, social workers, etc) and medical professionals (GPs, paediatricians, nurses  psychiatrists) who diagnose and treat children, and/or who are consulted by parents for sleep disturbance in their child(ren).

This webinar is free for members and $25.00 for non-members. To register you will need to log in with your member details, or create an account on this website if you're not a member. 

The webinar will be recorded and made available online afterwards - free to ASA members and for a small fee to others. By registering to attend, you are giving your permission to be recorded.

Please note:
We will email you the webinar access details after you register and again a few hours before the webinar commences.

Date: Wednesday 6 March, 2024
Time:  6pm -NSW, ACT Tasmania, and Victoria
            5pm - Queensland 
            4:30pm  - NT
            5.30pm - SA
            3pm - WA 
            8pm - New Zealand 

3/6/2024 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
AUS Eastern Summer Time

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