New ASA position statement on management of primary snoring

10 February 2023

A new Australasian Sleep Association position statement on consensus and evidence-based treatment recommendations for primary snoring was recently accepted for publication in Respirology. The position statement, developed by an expert panel of dentists, a sleep surgeon, otolaryngology head and neck surgeon, sleep physicians, and a sleep epidemiologist provides recommendations to clinicians on the management of adults with primary snoring, with a AHI <15.

Primary snoring, defined as habitual snoring in the absence of significant sleep apnoea or oxygen desaturation, is associated with reduced quality of life, cardiovascular and mental health. Auditory impacts of snoring can also reduce bed-partner sleep quality, daytime function and mental health.

A comprehensive literature review was performed to identify appropriate guidelines, position statements, systematic reviews, and clinical trials on the management of primary snoring. The position statement combines published data with expert consensus to provide recommendations on the management of patients with primary snoring. This is expected to facilitate clinicians in achieving optimal symptom control of snoring noise, sleep disruption and outcomes relevant to patients and partners. 

Read the position statement on management of primary snoring