Fundamentals of sleep

This day-long postgraduate short course from Sleep Week in 2020 provides a foundation for future learning in sleep medicine for dentists, pharmacists, nurses, general practitioners, surgeons, psychologists and medical advanced trainees. The presenters are expert sleep clinicians and researchers, and their comprehensive overview of the field of sleep is relevant to all health practitioners. This course serves as a solid foundation for improving your knowledge and skills in the years to come. It comes with pre-reading material that complements the presentations in the course.


  • What is sleep, why is it important? - Christopher Worsnop
  • What is 'good sleep' and how to wake refreshed in the morning - Nigel McArdle
  • Societal prevalence and consequences of sleep disorders - Yu Sun Bin
  • How do we measure sleep? - Kerri Melehan
  • Assessing and managing sleepiness for safety critical work - Mark Howard
  • The three clocks - what is the circadian rhythm? - Amy Reynolds
  • Common non-respiratory sleep disorders (1): circadian rhythm disorders, restless legs and periodic limb movement syndromes, parasomnias, narcolepsy - Fergal O'Donoghue
  • Common non-respiratory sleep disorders (2): insomnia - Hailey Meaklim
  • Sleep disordered breathing - OSA, CSA, UARS, snoring and hypoventilation - Bhajan Singh
  • Co-morbidities of OSA - diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease - Kirk Kee
  • Consequences of OSA - cognitive dysfunction, depression and dementia- Michelle Olaithe
  • Management of OSA - CPAP - Liam Hannan
  • Surgical management of sleep disordered breathing - Leon Kitipornchai
  • Management of OSA - weight loss, positional therapy, HGNS, others - Simon Joosten
  • Oral appliances to manage sleep-disordered breathing, including side effects - Ramesh Balasubramaniam
  • Clinical management pathways for the patient with OSA - Maree Barnes
  • Paediatric sleep apnoea and management - Jasneek Chawla

ASA Full or Associate Member - $110.00AUD
ASA Student Member - $110.00AUD
Non-Member - $175.00AUD

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Fundamentals of sleep

This day-long postgraduate short course from Sleep Week in 2020 provides a foundation for future learning in sleep medicine for dentists, pharmacists, nurses, general practitioners, surgeons, psychologists and medical advanced trainees. The presenters are expert sleep clinicians and researchers, and their comprehensive overview of the field of sleep is relevant to all health practitioners.