Session recordings

Sleep, circadian rhythms, and lifestyle impacts on metabolism and longevity
Two presentations from the opening plenary session on the role of lifestyle factors on the development of metabolic disorders and other chronic diseases, and their impact on longevity.

Alternatives to polysomnography: tackling the burden on paediatric sleep services
Presentation by Scott Burgess on providing better sleep diagnostics to paediatric patients

Sleep and cannabis - two ends of the spectrum
Four presentations summarising the current literature of the effect of cannabis on sleep, as well as the evidence base for the potential therapeutic role of medicinal cannabis in various disorders. 

The biological clock and insomnia: treatment and measurement
Symposium session of three presentations on aspects of insomnia treatment.

Peri-operative sleep medicine: drugs, diseases and their management
Three presentations cover the challenges to adequate sleep in the peri-operative environment and impacts on recovery, plus the effects of commonly-used drugs on OSA in the acute setting.

Practical obesity management in OSA - how to effectively tackle the elephant in the room
Three presentations from a symposium session tackling practical approaches to obesity management.

Obesity hypoventilation - all you need to know
Two presentations from a symposium session on aspects of obesity hypoventilation syndrome.

Paediatric sleep health
Oral presentations of recent research into aspects of paediatric sleep health

The protective effects of estrogen on chronic intermittent hypoxia-induced endothelial dysfunction
The 2019 ASA/CSRS Early Career Research awardee presentation

New Investigator Award presentations 2019
Two presentations from finalists for the 2019 New Investigator Award

OSA, CSA and sleep health: insights
Poster discussion on a range of research posters on OSA, central sleep apnoea and sleep health topics.

Year in review: measures of propensity to sleep and alertness
A session summarising recently-published research on measuring propensity to sleep and alertness.

Advanced trainees' oral presentations 2019
Oral presentations of research undertaken by medical advanced trainees.

Insights into OSA. Insights into Indigenous sleep health
Poster discussion session on presentations relating to OSA and Indigenous sleep health