Give Now - Helen Bearpark Scholarship

This scholarship commemorates Dr Helen Bearpark who was tragically killed in a road accident in the United States in December 1996. 

The purpose of this scholarship is to facilitate international travel and exchange in order to develop skills in sleep research or clinical sleep medicine. The scholarship is not aimed at allowing individuals to travel to conferences or move overseas for employment (e.g., postdoctoral positions greater than 12 months in duration) but rather to visit institutions in order to develop new or extend previously acquired skills.

The applicant must be a current ASA or ANZSSA member. The scholarship may be available to a non ASA or ANZSSA member residing outside of Australia or New Zealand who wishes to travel to an institution(s) in Australia or New Zealand for similar purposes, provided the proposed supervisor is an ASA or ANZSSA member of at least two years. The maximum amount awarded for each project is $AUD7,500.

All donations are tax deductible.

Donating online is easy. Simply enter the amount you want to donate in the 'Donation Amount box' below, click donate now and fill in your credit card details and submit. Alternatively, you can call us in the office on 02 9920 1968 and we will take your credit card details over the phone.

Amount currently in Scholarship Fund: $241,232.95

Helen Bearpark Scholarship

This scholarship commemorates Dr Helen Bearpark who was tragically killed in a road accident in the United States in December 1996.

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